WHAT IS PHYSICS :- Abhijeet Bhardwaj


               Albert Einstein at his room

We already know the word mentioned above, some called it as subject or some called it as a new world.

PHYSICS:- Do you know what does physics stand for ???
Physics is a branch of science in which we study about the Nature and the event or phenomena occur in nature.
 We all know that everything comes from this nature and only physics is the one through which we can understand the nature and it's creativity. 
              NEWTON:- The greatest scientist    

 We study about all the phenomena happening around ourselves and occuring in daily life in physics .
Just imagine that you are traveling in a bus and you are observing all the people outside or inside the bus. You will observe that physics is involved in every work and the phenomena that you are watching. Let's bring an example:-
Suppose you are traveling in a bus and you are watching a man on the bike and he is also traveling in the same direction but the speed of his bike is non- uniform then what you can observe:-
1- If we talk about the motion then the man is both is in motion or in rest but the condition is that from which frame of reference you are watching and considering. So here we can describe that motion and rest are relative term.
2- If you talk about the speed of the bike which is non uniform then you can find that what is the acceleration of that bike and you can compare it with your bus . 
3- Here you can also observe that what type of motion is this. Is it linear, circular, rotation, or oscillatory motion?? You will observe after some moment of time that this is the linear motion and now you can find the momentum of the bike and you will also observe that the speed does not depend upon shape and size .
        MAX PLANCK:- The man who loves nature

This is just a example of a daily life phenomena occurring around ourselves.
There is a millions of phenomena occurring in nature daily and if we talk about the phonemena of only one day then we loose half of our life in studying these events.
So there is noone that can understand nature completely but if anyone only understand a small part of nature then we declare him as a genius of the world.
Some genius were:- The Newton, The Albert Einstein, The Maxwell, The Max Planck , The Gallelio etc.
These are the one that tried to understand the nature and became genius.
So, the general principle of nature is that it only supports those who understand this nature.
                      OUR UNIVERSE

Today, we are studying physics as a subject and when we shall start to study physics as a nature then we will understand that what nature want to us and what is their principle.
Because nature never break its own principle.
Let's take an example:-
We know that the speed of light is absolute that is 300000000 m/s. If we travel at the speed of light then you will observe that the time changes and the mass of that body also changes. So the main point is that we can't break the law of nature. Albert Einstein, the genius of the world published his two theory that is general theory of relativity and special theory of relativity. If we talk about general theory then you think it is only a general thoery but the fact is that the general thoery challenge the Newton's gravitational law and it decribes about space time that we can't think. 
                 Think about the quotation

So I one and only suggest that when you started to think about nature then you become success because there is nothing except nature. 
So just follow the rules of nature.

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